Why There Aren’t Any Microchips or RFIDs In Your COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Vaccines
So, you think there are microchips or Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFIDs) in your COVID-19 vaccines? Well, think again—but open up your mind before you ponder—that will serve you well in the end—that’s a promise. I also promise not to judge here. I know many people believe in this conspiracy theory—that the coronavirus pandemic is a made-up marvel for a scheme to implant trackable microchips in humans. A poll of 1,640 people showed that 28% of Americans believe that the Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates wants to use COVID-19 vaccines to implant microchips in people.
Most people who believe this don’t even know the origin of this conspiracy theory. They just pick up something on the internet that they read and hit the share button without thinking how they are contributing to a huge body of misinformation that is piling up like dirt on the web. However, we all deserve a chance at being explained, making sense of things that we don’t understand, or being absolved off our misconceptions.
A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice; it will be visible and big enough to clog the needle of a syringe used in vaccination
This is a microchip or an RFID (about the size of a grain of rice)
Image Source: The Guardian
Microchips are cylindrical bar codes that transmit a unique signal when scanned. The microchip technology has been used for years to track our livestock and pet friends in case they got lost. Since it is about the size of a grain of rice, it will be visible in clear liquid in the vaccine. Even if you didn’t see it, it sure will never pass that narrow hole in the needle. Even the smallest microchips ever developed are visible to the naked eye. The smallest microchip was developed by IBM, which is about the size of a grain of salt (1millimeter x 1millimeter). It is not used in humans and animals, but rather used as a computer. Even the needles with the widest hole (22 gauge) that is recommended for vaccination is about 0.7 millimeters, which is smaller than the width of a grain of salt.
Not convinced yet? Still think microchips are being used in vaccines to track where you are? Well, then, let me try to appeal to your common sense.
Your cell phones are a way better and cost-effective way to track your whereabouts. No need to waste billions of dollars for vaccination when smartphones are already doing a fabulous job at tracking you.
Just take a pause and think about it. You do own a smartphone for sure, right? Do you use Google Maps to go places? And maybe even then tag yourself into the location with a selfie or two? You do know that apps like Google Maps rely on having access to your location data to work? Location technology in cell phones can be used to retrieve information about your whereabouts. The wireless signals can be used to triangulate your position between cell towers. Similarly, the GPS radio on your phone can be used to pinpoint your location. The Wi-Fi hot spot to which you’re connected to can also be used to approximate your current position.
If you are reading this post, you are for sure roaming the net and thriving in social media. Do you use Spotify? Have you used Groupon? How about Alexa? Do you use credit cards when you shop around? So you are not at all worried about being tracked by all these mechanisms, but you are convinced that the world’s top scientists and the government agencies have made up an elaborative plot, spending billions, just with the sole aim of figuring out where you are out and about?! Does that even make any sense?
Do ask yourself a couple of questions: Do you have any qualification in microchips? Do you have a degree in science or medicine? If the answers are no, that’s fine--because you should have a common sense to understand why this conspiracy theory just doesn’t stack up.
The perfect coordination is impossible to pull off for the microchip/RFID vaccine conspiracy to work
For a perfect storm of microchips in vaccine conspiracy to happen, all the leadership of at least a dozen and half different organizations involved with vaccine oversight would have to be completely aligned to execute on it, and that would be just in the United States. Organizations that are involved in vaccine oversight in the United States include:
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Vaccine Program Office
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
Vaccine Safety Datalink
Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment
Immunization Safety Office
Emergency Preparedness for Vaccine Safety
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
Post-Licensure Rapid Immunization Safety Monitoring
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Vaccine Research Center
Health Resources and Services Administration
Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program
Not only that, every health care provider, including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists and many more would have to join in on this mega-scam. And mind you this is not a national affair; it would have to be a concerted worldwide initiative. We couldn’t even smoothly rollout the COVID-19 vaccines, much less we would be able to orchestrate this grand of a hoax.
VaxTherapy is NOT affiliated with any of the pharma/biotech companies working on COVID-19 vaccines. The purpose of this post is to provide education and awareness from a virologist’s independent perspective based on available facts and data
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